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We deploy peer learning within organizations to let people share knowledge and make change

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Live & Interactive knowledge sharing format

At WAP, participants share their knowledge with each other in turn in live, interactive sessions. The sharing happens in small groups through teaching, activities or discussion. Topics are related to their inspiration, interest, knowledge, expertise of the week or past.

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The technology to scale knowledge sharing by self-organization

This mobile app let people to share their knowledge and create their own WAP sessions. Community based, auto-organized, and easy to use.

We have developed our methodology in the past 3 years with more than 2,000 participants in. Within peer groups, participants find their desire and confidence to share. They learn how to present their knowledge in the form of short, interactive sessions. In the process, they explore and discover more about it and grow their knowledge.

A unique process to trigger the dynamics of peer learning  inside communities

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Home: About

Who has worked with us?

Professional Training & Courses

EMLYON's new mission is to create "early makers". From 2015, we have been deploying WAP methodology to help every student become early makers in their education, and in their lives. In 2016, WAP became a pedagogical innovation recognized by French Minister of Education. From 2017, WAP becomes a regular cross-program community in emlyon open to 2,000 students.

As a student, I never felt like learning much during classes, but on the contrary, I was learning so much more by meeting people, debating and asking questions. I can now assert that, when it comes to my personal way of learning, this peer-to- peer way is 100% more effective. I learned so much, so fast, compared to classical teaching.

--- Milene Cardoso



Therapy Session

Innovation Labs

GRDF innovation lab seek for liberating employees' energy and collective learning.
With them, we have created an open learning program for more than 200 collaborators of IT department. Together, they've revealed talents, ideas and projects. Some have called themselves "WAP addicts", taking charge of the peer learning program inside with great energy.

"The energy of people, the collective goodwill of an interdisciplinary group, helps to awakens the desire to go further in being aligned in your work and in tune with what we are and what we do. For me it was the "click" to do what i always have wanted to do professionally within the organisation. I am convinced that WAP, can generate inside companies intrapreneurship, motivate employees and create value for the company."

--- Edith Lafargue, DRH La Poste Mobile


Events & Conference

WARN - We Are Ready forum's aims to bring participants to  learn and discover interesting things about each other so they can collaborate together in the future.  
We introduce our new format for sharing at their annual forum, that triggers collective intelligence and peer collaboration of their community on a regular basis.

"By expressing the ideas and topics chosen to others, we can conceive it better for ourselves."

"I’ve discovered my peers in an original way. I’ve really appreciated to discover the passions inside my group."

--- Participants WAP

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They work with us

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